
EMoSEM final report

Desmit X., Lacroix G., Dulière V., Lancelot C., Gypens N., Ménesguen A., Thouvenin B., Dussauze M., Billen G., Garnier J., Thieu V., Silvestre M., Passy P., Lassaletta L., Guittard G., Théry S., Neves R., Campuzano F., Garcia C., Pinto L., Sobrinho J., Mateus M., Ascione Kenov I. (2015). Ecosystem Models as Support to Eutrophication Management In the North Atlantic Ocean (EMoSEM). EMoSEM final report. 174pp.

Peer-reviewed Publications


1. Session chair

2. Oral presentations

3. Posters

Science policy support

Communication products