Data and information

Here you can find links to projects on seabed related research, as well as to data portals where relevant seabed data and maps can be downloaded. Please feel free to flag any information we would have omitted. The focus is on the nature and dynamics of the seabed and its subsurface, albeit including its habitat function in the ecosystem. Substrate data have indeed been successfully used as a proxy for predicting and mapping distributions of habitats. Changes to the substrate can have significant impacts on biodiversity.

Seabed and subsurface Seabed habitats Resource needs Factsheet geological resources Relevant international policies Access to data portals Geological organisations and administrations

Project funding


This project is funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office (contract BR/121/A2/TILES)


Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks (BRAIN-be)

Project Partners

Active cooperation with


Federal Public Service Economy, SME’s, Self-Employed and Energy (FPS Economy), Continental Shelf Service